IDO Screening Process

LOOPStarter - Screening Process

LOOPStarter deploys an easy and hassle-free screening process for quality projects with a fresh and innovative approach. We don’t view projects lying at the idea stage and have nothing more than a website.

LOOPStarter is looking to consider projects that have:

• Demonstrated their utility.

• Finalized the concept with a whitepaper.

• Dedicated team for the development.

• Marketing & other groups.

• And their closeness to implementing their ideas with LOOPStarter Our mission is clear:

• To support and make launch an easy process for high-end projects.

• To make everything fair and decentralized for the general public across the globe.

The past experiences of scams have kept us on our toes. We want to ensure LOOPStarter only lets the projects get in that have gone through intense screening processes at the application stage.

Last updated