LOOP DEX - Decentralized Exchange (DEX) for Crypto Trading. An improved UI/UX DEX platform for projects to list their token launches and investors to trade efficiently.


Most of the launchpad platforms currently cannot provide liquidity and initial listing for projects after the end of IDO. It is pretty annoying; you join IDO and buy successfully, then have to wait for the token you own to be listed for the first time and then send it to another exchange for exchange or stake. Some of the DEX platforms have launchpad support, which solves the above problem. Still, these integrated launcher platforms are not a perfect choice for large project owners because it is not efficient and without many features.


After considering the problems of the approach explained above, we have developed LOOP DEX, a transactional solution without dependencies on any single point of failure. It is easy to access and can reduce cryptocurrency's volatility rate, enhancing its usage. Market makers (giant trading firms or brokerage houses with a great understanding of regulatory commune and financial knowledge) have backed the traditional order book centralized exchange. They demonstrate high liquidity in centralized exchange by earning profits via colossal buying and selling prices differences. However, the emergence of DeFi and DEXs has enhanced the adoption of Automated Market Making (AMM) that allows retailers to also engage in market-making and earn profit from trading fees.

LOOP DEX, the first NFTs Protocol Powerful Automatic Liquidity Acquisition Yield Farm and AMM decentralized exchange run on Multi-chain with many unique and creative features that let you earn and win. It is a BSC chain-based top Automatic Liquidity Acquisition Yield Farm & AMM without central failure points or programming flaws. The government does not control it, and users do not face any counterparty risk. LOOP DEX the DeFi Automated Market Maker and Yield Farming protocol will launch to create a genuinely sustainable and beneficial model that would ensure the longevity of the LOOPStarter ecosystem that allows for LOOPStarter to adapt and evolve with the DeFi space in general, allowing for high yield opportunities and ensuring that the LOOPStarter ecosystem continues to grow and adapt. LOOPStarter aims to be a vanguard in decentralized finance.

LOOPS is the official token of LOOP DEX that enhances farming, staking, earnings, trade settlements, and huge gains across various blockchains. The LOOPStarter finance will provide an all-inclusive platform that utilizes the power of the Multi-chain to bridge all other top ecosystems, thereby interconnecting the DeFi world.

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